Leadership Restart Workshops
Need to find time to lead your organisation
This is where you’ll learn how to be more productive and better utilise your team
Imagine what it’d feel like if you were more organised and productive?
A one day workshop designed for executives, owners or team leaders who find they are disorganised, don’t have the time or just need a kick-start to how they show up.
If you:
- Aren’t sure how to create time to work ON your business
- Having trouble with team members not taking responsibility
- Struggle with ongoing conflict
Then reset how you think & lead each day by improving how you:
- Effectively delegate
- Empower your team
- Resolve conflict
- Prioritise what you do
- Manage your time
Next Leadership Restart Workshops:
Tuesday 6th May 2025 [IN-PERSON: City]
Workshop Agenda
What’s important to you & your organisation?
Activity: Where are you spending your time Vs where you should be spending your time? Delve into concepts of balance & boundaries & how they impact what’s important
Time Management
Empower Your Team
Conflict Management & Resolution
Download Brochure
Download a copy of the Leadership Restart Workshops brochure by clicking the button below.