Do you agree that your employee’s are your business’ key asset?
Your employees are also likely to be your
largest cost base. So focusing on improving that asset in your business makes sense when you think of it that way.
So how can you assist your key asset to meet their potential?

There are many ways including, investing in training, both skills and management, plus providing the support needed. Though the one approach which often is overlooked is taking a coaching leadership style within the business and cascading that down through your management team. This approach is very likely to compliment your other styles of leadership which according to Daniel Goleman there are six types:
Coaching is one of the six and this should be used by the businesses leaders at key micro-minutes, which is when you catch your employee doing something great or something which could be learnt from. A coaching approach involves using questioning techniques which follow a framework like GROW or FUEL, so that your employee becomes aware of the impact of the thing they did or how they can learn from the situation.
Another thought is, if you have a business or individual come in to assist your business like a Consultant – what is their underlying approach to helping your business? Will you and your employees get as much out of the the engagement if they just tell you what to do to fix the problem in front of you? Or would you all learn more from a coaching approach, when appropriate, by the consultant? I am confident not only would you learn more but you’d even enjoy the experience.
To chat about your business, please email me or schedule a meeting via Calendly.