Executive Coaching

Be more effective with your time by using Eisenhower’s Matrix to plan your work.

As a business coach, one of the most common issues I encounter with my clients is a lack of effective time management. Many entrepreneurs and business owners feel overwhelmed by the constant stream of tasks and responsibilities that come with running a business, and struggle to prioritise and manage their

Be more effective with your time by using Eisenhower’s Matrix to plan your work. Read More »

Who is (or Should be) Making Key Decisions in Your Business?

There’s nothing more important to a growing business than the quality and timeliness of decision-making. Yet how do you know if you are making optimum decisions? Who is actually making them? How do you decide who decides? When you drill down into your business decision-making process, it may be murkier

Who is (or Should be) Making Key Decisions in Your Business? Read More »

What exactly is “failure” and how can we use it to succeed in Business?

It is bad to fail, yeah? Especially at work or in your business? Should we feel that failure is shameful, demonstrates you, your team or your organisation aren’t good enough? Well what if I told you that we can use failure to be much more successful than you have ever

What exactly is “failure” and how can we use it to succeed in Business? Read More »

What is the optimal leadership style for an owner/CEO of a medium sized business?

Daniel Goleman’s research on Leadership resulted in defining six different styles of leadership and showed that an individual can exhibit more than one style, in fact a good leader can use different styles in different contexts with different people or teams. That said most leaders have a default leadership style

What is the optimal leadership style for an owner/CEO of a medium sized business? Read More »

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